First of all, let's list a few valid reasons that will make you comfortable in the question "why am I doing this?"
1. You will have the most pleasant and close shaving experience ever; you will feel amazing.
2. You will save money.
3. You will be looking forward to the time your next shave.
4. Your skin will be more fresh and alive than ever before; your skin problems will decrease.
In short, you will pass to upper class about shaving and this will be reflected in your life.
If you have done some research on this subject, you may have been confused with dozens of products and articles you’ve encountered. Let's simplify the matter for you:
The first step is to acquire at least medium quality shaving brush and do better face preparation. We have touched on the subject of the brush in more detail below. If you want, you can stay at the brush stage; but If you want better, you can advance to the second stage and get a safety razor. The third and last step will be to increase the quality of the creams, soaps, pre and after shave cosmetics you use. This is the whole process.
Shaving Brush

It is the most important component of wet shaving. Whether you use a safety razor, a straight razor or multi-blade cartridge razor to shave, always prepare your face with a brush. Brush is essential for cleaning your face, removing dead cells, softening your skin and beard and opening the pores. With the brush, you shaving quality will increase much higher and you will experience the difference on your skin.
You can choose our synthetic or boar hair brushes for a start, which are very suitable alternatives for the beginning, as well as a "pure badger" or "best badger" model from our badger hair brushes. Of course, we have higher level brushes such as "super badger" and "silvertip badger". However, at the beginning you do not need to make such an investment without getting to know your skin and creating your shaving style, since these "hi-end" shaving brushes are relatively softer and delicate, you may damage them with misuse; so, no need to rush.
If you prefer lathering in a shaving bowl and then massage it on your face you can choose synthetic or badger, if you like to apply the cream to a few spots on your face, and face lather then badger, if you prefer to push your soap into a mug like barbers do, lather there and then apply to your face directly then boar, badger or synthetic would be suitable. But of course, there are lots of variables and any types of shaving brushes will actually do the job. So, if you are confused, just contact us.
Safety Razor

Now we have come to the point that makes you think the most. Let's say this from the beginning: If you are just starting to wet shaving, we definitely do not recommend using a straight razor. Straight razor is another beast. After all, our goal is to win you, not to lose you. You must be already using multi-blade cartridge razors. Since we do not think you will need a recommendation in that regard, we will talk about the safety razors.
Just like the shaving brushes, you have a wide choice of safety razors. However, there are some that have successfully made thousands of our members to fall in love with traditional shaving and proved their worth all over the world. You can find them in our "Safety Razors" category, under the "medium-aggressive" group.
If you are accustomed to multi-blade cartridge razors, you will also most probably tend to press down the razor while shaving. Although we know that it is not possible to leave the habits in one day, we must say that "you shouldn't press safety razors" Let it flow with its own weight on your face. Pressing the razor won’t make you achieve a closer shave but only irritation and razor burn. Also, we do not recommend "adjustable" types of safety razors at the beginning. Because at the learning stage before getting the “feel” you may play with the setting all the time and got really confused with mediocre shaves at best. However, when you shave with a fixed-headed razor, your focus will be completely on the direction, angle, pressure and flow of your hand. This way, you will create your own shaving style by getting to know your face and beard in a short time.
Razor Blade Selection
This is a subject you should definitely try and experience at first hand. Each men’s skin, beard type, style and expectations would be different. For this reason, razor blade selection is a very personal choice and it would not be right to recommend any blade at this point. We strive to keep most loved and popular brands in our country and in the world. Our advice to you would be to try many blades as possible. As your hand gets used to, you will notice the difference between the blades better and with trial and error method you will find the ones suitable for you and the razor you use.
Creams and Soaps
We talked about the wide selection of brush and safety razors. However, we can say that your choice of soaps and creams is almost countless. Simply you can visit any nearby store and see how many choices you have. All the products you will see will claim to provide "the closest and non-irritating shave." Unfortunately, most of these products may contain petrochemical ingredients, components that cause mild loss of sensation, and chemicals to prolong shelf life.
While saying "wet shaving with brush is healthy" on the one hand, on the other hand we cannot recommend you to apply the products to your face that we doubt about. Instead, it would be best to choose traditional soaps and creams with natural ingredients.
We have a product in our country; which has been recognized and accepted all over the world: We are talking about Arko Barber Soap. It is quite affordable and its price performance ratio is unmatched. It lathers wonderfully and lasts for a long time.
Although there are some criticisms about its scent in the world, it will be much more rewarding for you to start your journey with this soap. As soon as you remove the soap from its packaging, you will understand better what we mean. You will find yourself in a moment from your childhood or youth with the classic barbershop scent spreading as you lather. Take this soap and press it into a metal or wooden container. The soap is very soft and will spread into the container with some pressure. It will easily lather with the swirls of your brush that has trapped lots of warm water between its bristles. So just start with this soap and as you feel the need, you can switch to more sophisticated products later.
Aftershave Products
Alum: This is natural potassium aluminum sulfate, that is, a salt crystal. It’s been used since ancient Egyptians. It is used to tighten and disinfect pores after shaving. Since it has an astringent effect, it reduces irritation, relieves and tightens the skin. After your shave is completed and your face is rinsed with cold water rub it while your face is still wet. Wait a few minutes, then rinse with cold water again. We recommend following with a moisturizing after shave balm after the alum.
Styptic Pencil: It is used to stop small bleeding caused by minor accidents that may occur during shaving. It is mixed with the alum mentioned above but its composition is different from alum. Unlike alum, it is used after every shave, but only when there are nicks and bleedings. It is used by pressing the wet tip on the bleeding area and in few seconds, it will stop the bleeding. So they are very useful to have just in case.
Aftershave Lotions and Balms: These are the products to moisturize and soothe your skin after your shave is completed. Since you are just starting traditional shaving, we recommend to continue using whatever product you have used up to now. There is only one exception though; alcohol. Applying alcohol or -lotions with high alcohol content or regular colognes so to say- to sensitized skin just after shave is something we do not recommend at all. If you have used these to date, we recommend rather using a balm, cream, milk or a non-alcoholic emulsion instead of colognes, at least until your hand gets used to the safety razors and you can get shaves without any irritation.
So far, we have given you some good advice. If you have read so far, now you deserve to go discover the secret of the fun:
First of all, you should know that; wet shaving isn't just getting rid of hair on your face. Wet shaving is a masculine care ritual, a joyous manly start to the day. Wet shaving is a cross section, a kind of praise devoted to existence, saved for you from time.
Now if your stuff is ready, open a music player near you or open your favorite music from your smartphone. Fill your mug with warm water and put your brush into the water. While it absorbs water, you can wash your face with warm water and relax. Take out the excess water from your brush by lightly shaking it, and run it on the soap in a circular motion for 5 to 10 seconds. Then continue to prepare your lather in your shaving bowl. When the bubbles in your lather seems to diminish, it means it’s getting into the right consistency. Put the brush in the bowl and wet your face once again with warm water. Then massage your face with the brush 2-3 minutes in circular motions lifting the whiskers and exfoliating the skin.
When you feel that it is enough, spread the lather evenly on your face as you paint with a brush and put your brush down. Clean your sideburns and gently rest your razor on your skin. Never press it. Just find the right angle (that is, the angle where the sharp edge touches your skin). You will realize the right angle when you hear the sound of your whiskers started get cut. In the first pass, shave with the direction of the growth. The goal here is not to cut all the whiskers in one pass; but to reduce them gradually with each pass. So do not press the razor trying to get a perfectly clean-shaven spot at once, be patient. Do not try to shave upwards or crosswise. Always glide the razor so that your direction of shaving is in line with the growth. Remember; downwards, not sideways or you may get cut. Though it’s perfectly ok if you get a few nicks in the first few shaves.
Before the second pass, rinse your face with warm water and lather with your brush again. You don’t need to massage this time though as the whiskers are already got soft, just coat your skin with lather. From there, it’s a matter of personal preference. Some may shave across the grain, some may have sensitive skin and do another with the grain pass, some may do an against the grain -upwards pass. This will widely depend on the persons skin and beard type.
After you finish shaving, rinse your face first with warm water then cold water. Cold water will relieve your skin and tighten the pores. You can use alum at this stage and rinse it. And lastly use a moisturizer. You will be surprised how nice your skin feels.
Now you’re family, welcome.
Rinse your brush with warm water, cleaning all the soap residue, shake lightly and then hang it upside down on a brush stand. Leave it in open to dry, never put your wet brush in a closed cabinet where there is no air circulation. This may cause bacterial or fungal growth over time.
If you have any questions feel free to contact us, we’ll be happy to know you.