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Parker SRB Shavette

Stok Kodu : 33R
870.00 TL

Parker is a well-known Indian company in the traditional wet shaving world. It’s a family owned and operated brand house and have been producing fine shaving tools since from 1973. Parker has a wide range of designs from classical designs to modern ones, open or closed comb heads and even butterfly head designs just like old Gillette safety razors. It’s a hardworking company to satisfy their customers and improving their build quality with each new model. 

Shavettes aka disposable/replaceable blade straight razors are great tools with no need for sharpening, honing, stropping or oiling. Just put in a suitable razor blade and you’re good to go. They can easily give extremely close shaves, but can also be very comfortable too in good hands. Shavettes are also great for finding the characteristics of a specific razor blade since everything is more prominent while shaving with shavettes compared to safety razors. They are also great starters in straight razor world. It’s a very clever idea to gain some experience with shavettes before proceeding to real straight razors. As they are much more serious tools. 

The Parker SRB is an elegant looking shavette with stainless steel head and resin scales. It’s a bit more heavy than regular aluminum shavettes thus feeling a bit more authentic. You can use any double edge razor blade snapped in half or single-edge barber blades with it. It has a convenient head design which allows hassle free blade changing. The Parker SRB shavette is a great starter. 

Parker Shaving products are handcrafted in India as a result ofwell engineering and extensive design tests.

Parker SRB Shavette specifications:

  • -Overall height : 146 mm
  • -Weight            :  40 gr
  • -Handle            : Black resin
  • -Razor Arm       : Stainless steel
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