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Stokta Yok

Classic Shaving Set, Faux Ivory
Stok Kodu : RZR-KLF

Are you a classic-lover in shaving? Then here is a classic shaving set for you. It's colour, it's style, it's stand with shaving bowl; all classic!

Some of our members will know, we judge the quality of a shaving set with it's shaving brush. Sometimes, we collect our favorite shaving products together to form exceptional shaving sets with adventageous price tags. This is one of them.

A top-quality Yaqi Shaving Brush with silvertip badger hair is paired with Edwin Jagger DE87 safety razor on a gorgeous Frank Shaving stand . And the result is this gorgeous classic shaving set. A truly classic for wet-shavers.

Classic Shaving Set includes: 

  • *Edwin Jagger DE87BL Faux Ivory Handle Safety Razor
  • *Yaqi Classic Silvertip Badger Ivory colored handle Shaving Brush 
  •   (knot:21mm; loft size:55mm; total height:105mm)
  •  *Frank Shaving Brush & Razor Stand (SS31)
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